And Then There's Another Contest from Saphyrm

Introducing one more potentially great contest to join. It seems the Whopee will never stop coming.

Here's the text of the INVITE. Cheers!

"I feel like being nice. That happens often. It’s the reason I ran contests. However, I think it’s more fun to do it at a random time and for random reasons and even have random ways of picking who gets it. So today is my first Random Rewards post. These can happen just about anytime. Here are some reasons they may happen:

  1. I had a good day.
  2. I made some extra money.
  3. Someone made a really good comment on my site.
  4. Someone Stumbled a post of mine and the traffic was craaazy!
  5. Someone said something nice to someone else.
  6. Someone dropped their Entrecard on my blog at just the right moment of my happiness.
  7. Someone subscribed to my feed by e-mail.
  8. A butterfly landed on my nose.

Those are some of the reasons. Now what are some of the things I’ll do because of those reasons?

  1. Send you money through PayPal.
  2. Send you EntreCredits through Entrecard.
  3. Include you in my MWF Read posts.
  4. Add you to my blogroll.
  5. Randomly send you a gift certificate by e-mail.
  6. Send you a picture of the butterfly on my nose.

Tonight, I did two of those things:

  1. I sent someone 1000 ECs just for dropping and being a great reader.
  2. I sent someone $10.00 through PayPal for commenting on my blog AND being a subscriber through e-mail to my RSS feed.

You never know. You could be next.

Oh, and stay tuned. Tomorrow should be the day the winner is announced for my $250 contest".

Looks like we will enjoy this one too. Hop and Join in. NOW!


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