Living And Learning Art

 I was taking the "Live! A History of Arts for Artists, Animators and Gamers!" offered over at Coursera under Jeannene Przybliski, Phd. way back in 2013. The guts..

It is now 2021. I am  living in a world full of doubt and insecurity due to the pandemic. At that time I was full of doubt.

Whatever I felt then with the following statements, I have already recovered. 

'But whatever gave me the idea that I could mingle with what could be a MOOC class full of talented artists? After all, I am not one and I know I will never be. That is just it. I don't think there's anything wrong about aspiring to become an artist. Having said that, I will be bold enough to declare, I am going to have fun, learn and take what I can from the course and from my fellow MOOC mates; be inspired by the teacher, and most importantly, admire and get astonished with the awesome art works from the best. I dare not be intimidated. Wish me luck.'

Because I found out that I could draw, I could paint, I could sketch and I could write about it. My interest in learning more about the art work of the great artists taught me so much about myself - that whatever I choose to do I could do. I just had to believe in myself.

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