Living with Distinction

From a very distinguished Doctor who was my high school classmate.
Hello Malou,
Advanced Happy Birthday and I thank you again for your help in the creation of a textbook for world audience. I will donate one to the UP College of Medicine. As you see below, you are acknowledged. The book will be out in print, 600 pages, color coming Feb 2012, so I am quite up to my neck in making this happen. Sorry if I miss the big event and apologize to all. 

We, at the onset, would like to express our gratitude to the staff of Wiley-Blackwell Publishers, and especially to our ever gracious medical editor, Thom Moore. Since we may not be able to thank all the staff who made this book possible, we ask leave for not including everyone. I would like also thank my former mentors who started me on the path to hematopathology: Dr. Jen Lin of New York and Drs. Dick Neiman and Atillio Orazi, formerly of Indianapolis, where I had my hematopathology fellowship. Since that time, I collected microscopic slides intending to use them for teaching: my first cases of lymph node dirofilariasis and leishmaniasis of bone marrow came from that fellowship and were augmented with pearls to many slide boxes of reactive lymphadenopathies over the years. 
For the book, additionally would like to thank the following persons and are indebted for their contributions of images, comments, and suggestions. We are indebted to Dr. Betram Schnitzer for his support and for his endorsement of the book. Much of our tropical infectious digital images were provided by Dr. Wun-Ju Shieh, of the Infectious Diseases Pathology Branch, Division of High-Consequence Pathogens and Pathology, National Center for Emerging and  Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at Atlanta, and we could not thank him and his colleagues enough. Dr. Elmer Koneman, a foremost microbiologist, provided us with rare images of infections in tissues, and we also appreciate his comments on materials to include at the front of the book. We thank Dr. Rito Zerpa Larrauri of Servicio de Microbiolog´ıa, Instituto Nacional de Salud del Ni˜no, LiMA, PeRU for blood and tissue images of leprosy, bartonellosis, and mycobacteria.   
We thank Dr. Fabio Fachetti of the Department of Pathology Spedali Civili-University of Brescia, Italy, for the image of CD123 and for personal communication on plasmacytoid monocytes and lymphadenopathies. We additionally are indebted to Dr.  James Smith of Indiana University Medical Center, to Dr. Rodney C. Arcenas of Holywood, Florida, to Dr. Ronald Jaffe of Pittsburgh Children’s Hospital, to Kathy White of Boston Medical Center, and to Dr.J. Ford of Children’s Hospital, Vancouver, Canada. We thank Rodney C. Arcenas PhD, Ardeshir Hakam MD of Mofffitt Cancer Center, Antonio Hernandez MD of Quest Dx/Ameripath Center for Advanced Diagnostics, and Dr. Steve Shaw of NIH/NCI for providing scholarly materials discussing the paracortical cords. We also thank Dr. Steve Swerdlow, chief  hematopathologist at the University of Pittsburg, for sharing digital images of CML lymphadenitis.  
We thank Dr. Gary Hellerman for facilitation of email communications at the beginning of the project and for editing parts of the manuscript and also Gary Bentley for helping with line art figures. We are indebted to Ms. Malou Domingo of Manila, the Philippines, for research in tropical pathology and to Dr. Sharon  Villanueva of Kyushu University Fukuoka, Japan, for articles on leptospirosis and to Philip, for research •  and editing work. 
Hernani Cualing,  Lutz, Florida
The honor is mine Doc Nani. Thank you.

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