Living with tragedy

Luneta Hostage Taking  Tragedy Damage Control

Secretary Leila de Lima is now the top point person  to resolve  the  Luneta  hostage crisis problem. Perhaps, the government noticed that  investigators  were churning out oxymoronic statements regarding their respective investigative actions.

As her initial action Sec De Lima ordered everyone to shut up.  

The point is all this government needs to do is to provide the  facts. What happened? From whose guns  did the fatal bullets come from? Who ordered what? What procedures were not followed? Protocols violated? Rights violated? Does the PNP  have an existing plan to handle hostage or terrorist actions? Who failed to do his job? Or their jobs? What happens to these people? 

No whitewash please.. no sweeping under the rug..

So when do we expect the results to be released? Timeline please.

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