Game of the Generals

Once again PNP generals are under seige. Philippine Senator Meriam Defensor Santiago along with other Senators, decided to conduct an investigation about the fact that more than one hundred thousand Euros were caught in the possession of PNP Comptroller Eliseo De la Paz, in Moscow, less than a month close to his retiring date.

General de la Paz, says he did not violate any law. Awwch. For his sake, De la Paz must admit the truth. And he should have been there too. Or perhaps, as in many other times, he will just serve as another fall guy? Tsk! Tsk!

I listened to the hearing as it was being conducted and once again, the PNP top brass had only a thing or two to say: "I heard about it", and "we will find that out in our own investigation". It is quite appaling to listen to these generals saying practically nothing. What are they hiding?

The hearing indicated that, among other things:

- DILG did not approve the release of about PhP 9M to be used as contingency funds
for law enforcement officers attending an Interpol initiated conference in Russia;
-The PNP Director supoosed to be the highest PNP man did not approve it either
- The money transaction was not initiated by any bank (where then did the money come
from?) Maybe from their office vaults. But keeping money this large must be kept
inside a bank
- Maybe the money is not really for the officers attending the conference but for another
purpose... maybe a reason like it was intended to be deposited somewhere

This could be another case of white wash. If at all, only Police General de la Paz shall suffer the consequence of this inappropriate and illegal act.

Where is our country going with this and all the other unfinished cases of alleged corruption in the government?

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