Barack Obama Celeb Campaign Contributors

I seldom talk about politics especially those about other countries. So this is one time I am going to touch about the subject because I found this interesting site which gives a comprehensive information about campaign contributions particularly in the United States.

Why be interested at all in the U.S. elections? I really am not. But just now, meaning today only, and because it talks about some of my favorite celebs' contributions.

And after all, haven't we been considered as the "small, brown brothers", of the Americans for the longest time? Or are we not anymore?

Futhermore, I am a bit of a sucker for celebrity news, especially the ones I admire and like. :-)

Okey. So here goes: My favorite celeb contributors to Barack Obama's Campaign kitty are:

1. Mark Wahlberg
2. Denzel Washington
3. Reese Witherspoon
4. Renee Zellwegger
5. Robin Williams
6. Martin Sheen
7. Carly Simon
8. Will Smith
9. James Spader
10.Meryll Streep
11. Barbara Streisand
12. Charlize Theron
13. Uma Thurman
14. Suze Orman
15. Al Pacino
16. Sean Penn
17. Michele Pfieffer
18. Joaquin Phoenix
19. Dennis Quaid
20. Jessica Lange
21. John Legend
22. Lucy Liu
22. Julia Louis Dryfus
23. Madonna
24. Tobey Maguire
25. Steve Martin
26. Bette Midler
27. Helen Mirren
28. Paul Newman
29. Edward Norton
30. Jack Nicholson
31. Ed Harris
32. Tom Hanks
33. Dustin Hoffman
34. Kate Hudson
35. Felicity Huffman
36. Samuel Jackson
37. James Earl Jones
38. Norah Jones
39. Diane Keaton
40. Michael Keaton
41. Alicia Keys
42. Kevin Kline
43. Matt Damon
44. Robert DeNiro
45. Danny DeVito
46. Leonardo DiCaprio
47. Harrison Ford
48. Jodie Foster
49. Jamie Foxx
50. Michael J Fox
51. Morgan Freeman
52. Whopee Goldberg
53. Jessica Alba
54. Maya Angelou
55. Jennifer Aniston
56. Angella Basset
57. Candice Bergen
58. Jon Bon Jovi
59. Matthew Broderick
60. Pierce Brosnan
61. Steve Buscemi
62. Glenn Close
63. Billy Crystal

My unsolicited prediction? Barack Obama will win. During the primaries, I just heard him speak once, unmindful of what's going on in U.S. politics, and I told my partner, he is going to get the nomination. And this prediction is without scientific or research basis, just plain gut feel. :-)

And finally, despite what it has done to the rest of the world I wish God Bless America.


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