Attending the Beijing Olympics? Be Aware

According to the Wall Street Journal's China blog, foreigners must take note of certain guidelines when they intend to visit China for the Beijing Olympics.

"On Monday, the organizers of the Beijing Olympics issued “legal guidance” covering 57 issues relevant to foreigners planning to attend this summer’s Games (see WSJ story here). Some excerpts from these rules, presented in the original Q&A format:

No. 22: Is it possible to sleep out in the city?

In order to protect the urban public hygiene and a civilized appearance, it is prohibited to sleep in public places, including airports, train stations, piers, pedestrian crossings (both sky bridges and underground passages) and grassy areas.

No. 32: Is China entirely open to foreign tourists?

China is not currently fully open to foreigners, foreigners who have not obtained permits should not enter areas that are not open to the

No. 36: How are the business hours of entertainment venues regulated?

Entertainment venues may not do business between the hours of 2 a.m. and 8 a.m.

No. 45: Must foreigners carry documentation?

Foreigners should carry documentation. In carrying out their duties, the foreign affairs police at the county level or above have the right to examine the passports and other papers of foreigners.

No. 47: At cultural, sports and other large-scale mass activities, is it possible to display slogans, banners and other articles?

China prohibits the display of insulting slogans, banners and other articles at sports grounds, and prohibits the display at Games venues of any religious, political or ethnic slogans, banners and other items."

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