The French Connection

Filipino workers who dream of one day saying Oui, mademoiselle, Oui mossieur, or those imagining to drink that uppity and classy Bordeaux wines, or perhaps salivating on escargot as in French haute cuisine--- time to make a landing at Charles de Gaulle Airport. And start brushing up on your French. Because Paris here we come. Whopee!

How you say?

French Ambassador to the Philippines confirmed that France is easing up their immigration rules to accommodate more Filipino IT and nursing professionals. It’s been quite a process but finally signing of the formal agreement will happen this year between country representatives.

Fact is, Filipino professionals are known to be one of the most outstanding workers worldwide. Be it an IT line of work, engineering, accountancy, customer service, the fine arts, health care I must say we are among the best. And what country wouldn’t want such type of workers?

France is a country where the words, liberty, equality and fraternity was born, where jus soli and jus sanguinis defines birth right, and where until lately, full citizenship was denied to women. There's only one wish I'd like to make regarding this new development, that more Filipinos learn to speak the French language so there's more guys to practice with :-)

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