Savagery Can't Be Anyworse than This

I saw this news article today saying that Dr. Denis Mukwege, a gynecologist from Bukavo, Congo treats women and children who have been victimized by rape and other forms of violence. Most of his patients "have been sadistically attacked that their reproductive and digestive systems are beyond repair".

Newspaper accounts further reveal that this is part and parcel of human rights violations committed against certain Congolese ethnic groups. From last year's figure of 6,338, experts are predicting that sexual violence will continue to grow to about 8,000 cases this year.

Savagery of this form seem to be unthinkable in this day and age. But it is happening.

What can ordinary people like us do for the thousands of victims if at all?

Say a prayer or two perhaps.

Better, let us start by condemning all forms of violence. STOP ALL THESE VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND CHILDREN!!!

If need be, speak. Write against it. This is our small share of their burden.

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