
Most Lawyers

The omnipresent defender of non-existent people problems. Somebody who "made it" by sneaking under the fence, then took it upon himself to assume the role of the chief skimmer. The best time to engage the services of a lawyer is when you want to backout of a deal but embarrassed to do so on your own. And great way to seriously close a deal is to keep your attorney in his cage.


Aspire for one hour of creativity in exchange for countless hours of confusion.


Individuals who: 1. Cling to false premises. 2. Love sloganeering disguised as sound bites. 3. Utter broad sweeping statements. 4. Lash out slanderous words. 5. Talk loudly and in harsh tones. 6. Are Great debaters. Stay away as far as possible.


The best shot is only possible when you take matters into your own hands without expecting anything from anyone.

Success Ghosts

Be comfortable and enjoy life but always keep a close watch on reality.


If you have the will, you will always manage to climb out of the pit.

God’s Gift to Mankind

Persons suffering from delusions of physical and intellectual superiority also possess a mistaken notion that this sure is something that can command respect and admiration.