The Top 150 media and marketing Blogs
I found this website which enumerates the Top 150 media and marketing blogs. I didn't have enough time to visit all 150 sites for lack of time. But I sure am glad that on the number 1 slot is copy blogger which is 1 of only two feeds I subscribe through my email. The other one is a Filipino compatriot, a lawyer turned professional blogger pinoycook. I only had time to list the top 15: 1. copyblogger 2. seth's blog 3. online marketing blog 4. shoe money 5. micro persuasion 6. search engine land 7. search engine watch 8. pronet advertising 9. marketing pilgrim 10.adverblog 11.adrants 12.duct tape marketing 13.Seo moz blog engine journal 15.psfk Also from the same site I found this link which enumerates its top 100 blogs based on unique links. (for the last 6 months). Again, I only had time to list the top 15. 1. engadget 2. gizmodo, the gadget guide 3. techcrunch 4. boing boing 5. huffington post 6. lifehacker 7. ars technica 8. 9. mashable, the social ne...