
Showing posts with the label mutual funds

How to invest in Mutual Funds - Learning Some More

I am insisting on posting about investing topics despite my ignorance. Precisely. The truth is I am really studying up, researching and finding out everything I could on mutual funds, because I might just end up in this industry soon. As consultant or as an investor myself (I :-) wish). Different countries, different rules. That's my dilemma. There's not enough info I could get my hands on, about 'investing in mutual funds in the Philippines'. So my readings are mostly U.S. scenarios. I guess, and I hope I could use the American model when I evaluate Philippine mutual funds . From what I read these are some of the points stressed about mutual funds: 1. Management competency is a must. This means a track record of not less than 10 years. 2. Consider how the fund is being promoted. Rise or fall prices are fairly indicated in the last 2 quarterly reports. Fund must be fairly consistent. It is may be well to also watch fund performance both on the up and down markets...