
Showing posts with the label financial strategy

Recession and unemployment: Makes no difference to me

Below you will find an article which gives out tips on surviving a recession. Whether you are in the U.S. or somewhere else, recession or recession like existence is palpable and is almost with us if not already there. I must confess, since three years ago, I have been on my own “personal recession”. Coping with semi-retirement because of an illness was something I had to deal with, mostly on my own. Friends and former co-workers were busy, my family had their own individual concerns. Being alone helped me once again test my mettle against this temporary financial setback. Wherever and whenever applicable, I had the chance to use in more ways than one, the tips similar to those offered by the author. The fact is, my situation is a work in progress :-) Tips for surviving a recession By : Kathleen Pender Face it. The odds of a recession have grown. That's why the Fed slashed interest rates this week and why President Bush and Congress are eager to get checks into t...

Another Financial Survival Strategy

Back when I was still traversing the corporate jungle, money issues were a daily common occurence. Issues like I need a new this, I’ve got to have a new that. Things I needed like a new formal attire, because of the job; sudden turn of events that required money, like losing my mobile phone, or losing cash to thieves. Or maybe, the children immediately needing things in school that were not part of the monthly budget. All these conditions certainly required funding. I realized at that point, that being employed didn’t mean freedom from debt at all. Being employed served as a financial crutch, more than anything else. In fact, employment sort of emboldened workers like myself to have more conviction about so many things, like acquiring things for the children or for the home, or taking a much needed vacation and how about this -- taking out a payday loan . After all, there’s the salary and the bonus to cover those unexpected purchases or expenses. The fact is, concern...