The Supremeph Gig

I was recently invited to join supremeph and though quite a bit hesistant I accepted to join. Why not? This is one type of org I haven't tried. I am sure members will be mostly gen x, y and z's. While I am of the antiquated variety, this should be a good venue to stay in touch with the young so I can stay young myself by association. Am I trying hard? :-) Now they are launching this big event. And I quote: "Hey Supremos! On Friday, Sept. 19, at Embassy at The Fort, we are holding the first ever Supreme to the Extreme Awards. We're giving recognition to people who have shaped the pop culture landscape by changing how the game is played. Over 15 awards are at stake. From Comeback of the Year to pop’s Best Love Team; from Best Blogger to Televisionaries — we’ve got it all covered. The nominees: The mix bag of icons that makes us Supreme. We’ve got KC Concepcion, Gabby Concepcion, Annabelle Rama, Richard Gutierrez, Raymond Gutierrez, Ruffa Gutierrez, Mark Nicdao, Bryanb...