
Showing posts with the label 2010 Philippine Elections; do's and donts of 2010 automated elections

Living and the elections

 Eight Days Away from Philippines 2010 Elections: Voting  Do's and Dont's Yes its just a week away from the 2010 Philippine Presidential Elections. Surrounding this critical  political exercise, worries  remain in the hearts and minds of the voting public. There's a lot of talk  about worst case election scenarios. Take the case of NoEl or "no elections".  Some feel that the elections seems to have been designed to fail. And what about the reliability issue of the PCOS machines; the highly sensitive nature of the ballots and other possible mishaps that could happen during election day at the precint level not to mention  digital or manual transport of the precint level results. It appears that some quarters, to this day,  do not trust COMELEC given its track record of booboos like Garci and Co. We have to remind ourselves that another issue that may have been overlooked even by the candidates themselves is the assurance that votes cast by...