Where in the world do I live?

For almost 5 years now, we have been occupying this house. Painstakingly, we took care of it despite its many structural flaws. Think termites, leaks in the bath and bedrooms; killer mushrooms perhaps? on the kisame, damaged floor tiles, kitchen drawers that never seem to work, faulty electrical outlets and many more. Having said that, however, the situation is somewhat relieved with the fact that it has a backyard that serves to reduce our stress. We've been growing langka and atis trees at the backyard. So far no fruits yet for the langka but the atis fruits are nearly for the picking. Ang tagal. Two years ago, I had basil, mint, rosemary, thyme, dill as well. Today, what remains are the pandan plants and some left over oregano cuttings which I continue to harvest to dry. We're waiting for the avocado seedlings, along with cayenne pepper, malunggay, and kalamansi, and kalabasa to really blossom. But the lady bugs' been trying to make the kalabasa plant's li...